Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Vegan Wines

I was surprised to learn this summer that many wines are not vegan. Many winemakers use animal products to filter their wines. is a great database that lists many popular brands of beer, wine, and liquor and let's you know whether or not they're vegan, but the site doesn't seem to have been updated in at least a month.

I recently emailed several of my favorite winemakers (or their importers) to ask whether their wines were vegan friendly. Several didn't ever respond, but those who did said that they did not use any animal products in making the wine. I've forwarded these emails to the people at, but since they haven't been posted yet, here is my list of a few wines that are vegan according to the makers or importers. I'll try to update this list whenever I get information on a new label.

These wines are VEGAN:
Rabbit Ridge
Cycles Gladiator (this wine is banned in Alabama because the label is considered pornographic)

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